This image was taken on the last day in high school. The clothes are our reminder of the uniforms we wore and the building in the background of the place.

This photograph was taken on my Confirmation, that was also the year, i started high school. Similar to Barthes' mother's Winter Garden Photograph, it is a group picture, at a specific place, and "in the Photograph, something has posed in front of the tiny hole and has remained there forever..." (59).

"Photography, moreover began, historically, as art of the Person: of identity, of civil status, of what we might call, in all senses of the term, the body's formality" (59). On birthdays and especially religious holidays, my dad always wanted us to go to a studio and take a family picture. In this one i remember he was out of town but we still kept the tradition.

This image reminds me of Barthes statement "'cousin', that unit so necessary to the constitution of the family group" (57) because i grew up with my cousins since my family is so big. We were not allow to play with the neighborhood kids because we had each other, and that really strengthen our bonds.

This is an image with my mother, at a time when i was her only child and so we had a closer mother daughter bond but because i was so young i cannot remember the feeling nor was i aware of how spoiled i was at the time.

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